Humanitarian Aid

The Joseph Project: Caring For Our Soldiers


The Joseph Project provided protective vests to reservists and donated ingredients for meals to soldiers defending northern Israel from Hezbollah.

We recently had the privilege of providing new protective vests to a special combat unit of reservists in urgent need. Why is this gear so critical? While the IDF is renowned as a high-tech military, it is relatively small, and reserve units often operate with equipment that is decades old, some from the 70s. In situations like this, where reservists have been continuously deployed in dangerous areas for months, upgraded gear can be life-saving.

Another unit stationed in the north has spent months living in basic field tents and sleeping outdoors while protecting a northern community under fire from Hezbollah. This community has since been forced to evacuate due to relentless rocket attacks. However, one courageous family chose to stay behind to care for the soldiers protecting their community, who lack even a field kitchen. This family has taken it upon themselves to prepare meals daily for the soldiers, and it has been our honor at the Joseph Project to donate all the raw ingredients for their meals.

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”
Proverbs 3:34

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